Therapy for Men

Welcome to William Feuerborn Psychotherapy – Therapy for Men
Hello, I’m William Feuerborn, and I specialize in therapy for men. If you’re here, you might be dealing with challenging issues, whether it’s compulsive sexual behavior, anxiety, depression, or the effects of childhood trauma. I want you to know that you’re not alone, and there’s a path to healing and growth. As a therapist specializing in working with men, I understand the unique challenges and concerns that men face in today’s world. My goal is to provide a safe and supportive environment where men of all ages can seek the help they need to overcome their obstacles and lead fulfilling lives.
Who I Work With
My clients typically range from their mid-20s to their 60s, and I have extensive experience in helping men with a variety of issues. While I offer a range of therapeutic modalities, my focus is on addressing compulsive sexual behavior and guiding my clients toward a path of integrity in their lives.
Common Issues and Symptoms
Many men come to therapy when they find themselves in crisis due to compulsive sexual behavior. This can strain relationships and put their marriages or families at risk. The symptoms often include high levels of anxiety and depression, along with defensiveness when confronted about their actions. The compulsive behaviors I address encompass a wide range, from pornography and masturbation to sexual chat rooms, massage parlors, escorts, strip clubs, affairs, and dating apps.
Our Therapeutic Approach
At William Feuerborn Psychotherapy, we follow a holistic approach to help our clients find their way to healing and recovery. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Recovery Plan: Our first step is to establish a recovery plan. We work together to define clear boundaries and provide you with the tools necessary to regain control over your life. Sobriety is the key, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.
  • Communication Skills: We understand that improving communication is crucial, especially when relationships are at stake. In parallel with your recovery plan, we’ll work on enhancing your communication skills. You’ll learn how to connect with your partner empathetically, understanding their fears, anger, and hurt.
  • Trauma Work: Compulsive behaviors often have deep roots in childhood trauma. We’ll explore your past experiences, which may include physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional and verbal abuse, or emotional neglect. Our aim is to help you reprocess these traumas, reducing the risk of relapse and providing lasting healing.
Understanding the Connection
Compulsive behavior can often be traced back to childhood trauma. It becomes a way to cope with feelings of anxiety, shame, and loneliness that may have originated from neglect or abuse. Our brains release dopamine when we engage in these behaviors, creating a cycle of seeking novelty and escape from emotional pain.
Escalation and Seeking More
It’s not uncommon for compulsive behaviors to escalate over time. Clients may transition from milder content to more explicit material, seeking increased stimulation. Some might even progress to live acting out, such as engaging with escorts.
Deeper Therapy for Lasting Change
At William Feuerborn Psychotherapy, we offer a more profound and targeted approach to therapy, going beyond cognitive therapy.
Our aim is to uncover the root causes of compulsive behavior, helping you achieve long-term recovery and personal growth.
Take the First Step
Reach out to start your healing journey today.